Ministry of Industry & Mineral Resources


Let's see how enspct aided MIM in more than 15,000 inspection visits for more than 2,000 mining licenses with 200 smart device installations.

Riyadh, KSA

Ministry of Industry & Mineral Resources


Let's see how enspct aided MIM in more than 15,000 inspection visits for more than 2,000 mining licenses with 200 smart device installations.

الموقع الالكتروني:
Riyadh, KSA

The Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources oversees and promotes the industrial and mining sectors in Saudi Arabia, focusing on attracting investors, exploiting mineral resources, and maximizing returns.


At the Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources, digital transformation is a key strategic pillar, reflecting the government's commitment to enhancing efficiency, value, and innovation. In light of this, manual work and traditional software cannot be the answer anymore — there is a need for new digital solutions that will help with time-consuming paperwork and administrative responsibilities.


With enspct, paperwork and administrative tasks can be completed quickly and efficiently. Our mobile field service app empowers on-field agents to input all their information, including work order data and inspection checklists, conveniently from a single device. The system can process vast amounts of data and make thousands of real-time decisions that would be impossible for traditional software.

The Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources oversees and promotes the industrial and mining sectors in Saudi Arabia, focusing on attracting investors, exploiting mineral resources, and maximizing returns.


At the Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources, digital transformation is a key strategic pillar, reflecting the government's commitment to enhancing efficiency, value, and innovation. In light of this, manual work and traditional software cannot be the answer anymore — there is a need for new digital solutions that will help with time-consuming paperwork and administrative responsibilities.


With enspct, paperwork and administrative tasks can be completed quickly and efficiently. Our mobile field service app empowers on-field agents to input all their information, including work order data and inspection checklists, conveniently from a single device. The system can process vast amounts of data and make thousands of real-time decisions that would be impossible for traditional software.

Strategic planning and task distribution
This is some text inside of a div block.
Offline data access  using enspct mobile app
This is some text inside of a div block.
Dynamic workflows
This is some text inside of a div block.
No items found.
Strategic planning and task distribution
This is some text inside of a div block.
Offline data access  using enspct mobile app
This is some text inside of a div block.
Dynamic workflows
This is some text inside of a div block.
No items found.


Let's see how enspct aided MIM in more than 15,000 inspection visits for more than 2,000 mining licenses with 200 smart device installations.

Mining licenses
Inspection visits
Device installations


Let's see how enspct aided MIM in more than 15,000 inspection visits for more than 2,000 mining licenses with 200 smart device installations.

Mining licenses
Inspection visits
Device installations
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